MTT 300 Faculty
EMI is passionate about training others in the most skillful ways to teach mindfulness, and we want to share our knowledge with you. This ever-changing page will offer many articles that delve into the different facets of teaching mindfulness .
Teaching Mindfulness & Self Assessment
Beyond Self Improvement: The Evolution of Teaching Mindfulness
Exploring the Dynamic Intersection of Teaching Mindfulness and Christianity
Exploring Ethics in Teaching Mindfulness
Teaching Mindfulness and The Value of Accreditation in Mindfulness Training Programs
Advancing Mindfulness Teaching & Fostering Inclusive Facilitation
Criteria for Effective Mindfulness Teaching
Teaching Mindfulness, AI & a Sober Approach to the Future
Exploring Contemplative Practices, Teaching Mindfulness & Mindful Communication
The Origins & Secular Applications of Teaching Mindfulness
Balancing the Path: Teaching Mindfulness, Zen Wisdom & Student-Centered Learning
A Trauma-informed Approach to Teaching Mindfulness
Exploring the Path of Recovery and Teaching Mindfulness
New Podcast: "Teaching Mindfulness"
Teaching Mindfulness through Embodiment, Trauma Healing, & Evolutionary Leaps
Teaching Mindfulness and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Gil Fronsdal
Teaching Mindfulness Summit
Teaching Mindfulness: Workshop with Fleet Maull, Ph.D.
Empathy & Teaching Mindfulness
Imposter Syndrome in Teaching Mindfulness: A Paradox Worth Exploring
Formal vs. Informal Mindfulness Practice
Rumination: How Mindfulness Helps
What Mindfulness Isn't
Teaching Mindfulness: Ask Why?
Meditation is an Attention Revolution
“Just Like Me”
Wise Intentions and Mindfulness Practice
Attitudinal Factors of Mindfulness
Reflective Listening
Interoception & Mindfulness
Mindfulness in Daily Life
Five Steps to Becoming a Mindfulness Teacher
The Greatest Gift
Trauma-Informed Mindfulness
Your Breath is Your Ally
Caution and Advice in Teaching Mindfulness
Developing Mindfulness of Body